
LCI attends HILA-AIDA Summit in Greece, Athens

LCI is constantly working on improving conditions of Trade Credit Insurance and improvement of claims and recovery conditions of trade credit.

LCI attends the AIDA – HILA Summit in Athens, Greece last week. The Summit took place in King George Hotel on May 7-9, 2014.

Mr. Nasrallah, General Manager of LCI, participated in the working party session titled: “Transfer of Trade Credit/ Debts and Assignment of rights” and moderated by Dr. Louis Habib-Deloncle, President of Garant Assurance-Credit, Switzerland. The panel was composed of Mr. Nasrallah, Dr, Deloncle, Dr. Georgios Psaroudakis (Lecturer at University of Thessaloniki, Greece) and Dr. Samim Unan (Professor, Galatasaray Univerity and FMR President AIDA, Turkey).

Mr. Nasrallah’s presentation addressed subrogation and assignment of receivables and their application in various Middle Eastern countries.

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adminLCI attends HILA-AIDA Summit in Greece, Athens